Every reader there was.

Naive, I picked up a book

Daring it to evoke emotion;

Asking perhaps her pages to convey something, anything!

I’m a convoy on route

To promised lands different from my own.

A skeptic I am as I board this vessel,

I approach it like I do temples and shrines;

Quetioned it as I do the monoliths

(batttered and broken into familiar human forms:

how does it Symbolised divinity

And not natures unmarred parent stone?)

Thinking it could scarce evoke a reaction,

Let alone make me feel anything,

I approach it like the skeptic I am.

Instead I find myself turning pages

Angry, hurt, resentful and overjoyed

At characters that breathe only between

The spaces in my head.

I close it- yet like Pandora’s box

it’s a lost cause. I remember to go back and open it-

In keeping with the allegory-

HOPE: in the end is what remains.

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